“Rocky Mountain National Park Dayhiker’s Guide” by Jerome Malitz
Published by Johnson Books in Boulder
Calypso Cascades and Ouzel Falls
Distance: 1.8 miles (Cascades) one way
2.7 miles from trailhead (Falls) one way
Elevation Change: 700 feet (Cascades, and
950 feet (Falls)
Elevation at Destination: 9,200 feet (cascades), and
9,450 feet (falls)
Waterfalls, cascades, and superb riverside scenery are among the many highlights of this hike. Adding to the interest, is a walk through part of the area that was ravaged by fire in 1978, although most of the trail passes through forest whose lush growth reflects the abundance of moisture in the area. For those who enjoy the sight and sound of rushing water and the rich environment it fosters, this will be a favorite.
Aug 31, 2002
This was my second hike from the book and I already completed half of it during an excursion from the Finch Lake Trail. Had I read ahead I would have included this trail after the Finch Lake Trail.
I would highly recommend this hike to anyone who wanted a fairly easy mountain trail to get used to the elevation and hiking in the mountains. Some excellent changes in scenery including some waterfalls with …gasp… actual water, unlike the San Jose “Waterfall” trails.
Here’s the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):
These are low res pictures. I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them