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Finch Lake

Posted by on August 29, 2002

“Rocky Mountain National Park Dayhiker’s Guide” by Jerome Malitz

Published by Johnson Books in Boulder



Finch Lake

Distance: 4.5 miles one way

Elevation Change:    1440 feet

Elevation at destination:    9,910 feet


The hike to Finch Lake takes you through a variety of pleasant and interesting landscapes – forests of mixed conifers, superb aspen glens, and a soberly fascinating area devastated by fire.  The lake itself, nestled among trees and displayed against the massive form of Copeland Mountain, is a study in tranquility.

Aug 29, 2002

This was my first hike from the book and I added some of the Calypso Cascade Trail on the way back.

They should re-name this tail to the mountain stair master. Much of the incline is cut out of the mountain in steps.  I would recommend this trail to anyone wanting a bit more strenuous hike to get used to the altitude and mountain trails. As for the view, not much to see here as you can see below.

Here’s the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them

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