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Maha’ulepu Heritage Trail

This was a wonderful hike/walk with great views and ended up at yet another great beach not mentioned anywhere I looked.! Highly recommended. Mahaulepu Coastal Trail is a special part of Kauai History Heritage sight and the last stretch of accessible coastline on the south shore that has not been developed. Malama Mahaulepu is helping … Continue reading »

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Iliau Nature Loop & Kukui Trail

I wasn’t able to do any hiking the last time we were in Kauai, so I made a point of bringing my hiking boots and told Lina I would be going out every other day. Once we finally got settled on the island, I started to notice warnings all over telling us to be careful … Continue reading »

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Turtle Bay Trails

This trail was next to the Airbnb where we were staying and it turned out to be a nice quiet walk. I would definitely consider staying in this resort because it had one of the few places you could snorkel on the north shore in December, and we found a perfect little beach at the … Continue reading »

Categories: Hawaii, Recommended | Leave a comment

Kaʻena Point Trail

I brought my hiking boots to Hawaii so I could do some hiking and we really only had time to get this quick hike in. The views were spectacular and I was excited to sea the seal sleeping on the mini beach. We didn’t realize that there was going to be a nature preserve at … Continue reading »

Categories: Hawaii, Recommended | Leave a comment

Koko Head Trailhead

I missed this hike the last time we were here, and made sure to get it in during this trip to Hawaii.  It was brutal, but I did pass a couple of people on the way up and a bunch on the way down.  Not bad considering that I haven’t done anything active since November … Continue reading »

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