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Gold Strike Canyon Hot Springs

Posted by on April 24, 2003

Lake Mead Area – Southern Hikes

Distance: 6.0 miles

Elevation Change:    800 feet

Difficulty:    3

Danger Level:  5


Comments:  This hike offers stunning sights.  The wash travels between deep canyon walls and weaves around a waterfall.  The rocks and boulders are extremely slippery.  You’ll descend eight major dry and wet falls.  Although it’s possible to hike to the Colorado River, the route description stops at the second pool.  From there to the Colorado River is for sure-footed hikers only.  There are many ways to navigate the dry and wet falls;  I’ve explained some of the easiest.  Also, look for the blue arrows to guide you.

April 2003

This hike had all of the elements; a nice easy warm up descent, some technical climbs, neat views, and a hot springs to relax in if you’re into that kind of thing.  Unfortunately the guidbook author was on crack yet again.  I’ve decided to pretty much replace his direction with the phrase “follow the wash” whenever I’m in doubt.  The hike to the river was no more difficult than the one to the spring and there was much more to see.  I particularly enjoyed the stalactite formations near the river shown below.  The pictures don’t adequately depict the vivid colors displayed.

Here’s the pics (Click on the picture to see full size):

These are low res pictures.  I can send you higher quality pictures if you want them

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